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Dry Faster, Party Longer. Use DryMeister to Help Prep and Clean-Up for the Holidays

Use DryMeister to Prep and Clean-Up for the Holidays

Picture this: the air is crisp, leaves are crunching under your feet, and if you’re not tailgating, then football has become a welcome background noise in the house. It's a subtle hint.

Holiday party season is here.

Now picture this: you’re working out, running around town, prepping for parties, and cleaning up after those parties.

DryMeister may not be able to do your reps, run errands, grocery shop, or prep and clean up for you, but it can make most of these tasks a lot faster and easier.

Step 1

Stay healthy through the holidays. Routinely washing and drying your water bottle ensures there’s no lingering moisture that turns into bacteria. Use DryMeister to wipe the inside dry in seconds, instead of leaving your clean water bottle out to dry for hours. Whether you’re exercising or hitting the stadium, DryMeister gives you confidence that you’re drinking fresh, clean water (or whatever you sneak inside).

Step 2

Make sure all your glass vases are ready for the party. After all, your vases deserve just as much attention as your food prep. Well, maybe not just as much, but pretty close. Get them clean and clear by using DryMeister to dry the inside after you wash them. No one likes to see water spots on the sides, and scum at the bottom of a vase.

Step 3

Pulling out water-spotted glassware before a party is a sinking feeling. We’ve all been there before and know that we’ll have to wash, or at least, rinse them, and dry them again before setting them out. Ugh! This time, let DryMeister help you dry the inside in seconds. And use DryMeister from now on so this doesn’t happen again.

Step 4

The party was a blast. The clean up, not so much. Whether you served sangria in carafes, wine in delicate stemware, or champagne in flutes, don’t let the remnants of last night’s party stick around. And after the flowers droop and the water drains, don’t let the scum build up in your vases. Grab DryMeister, get the job done faster, and hit the sheets, knowing that when you wake up, all these things will be dry and put away.

Step 5

Repeat steps 1-4 as much as needed.

Remember that DryMeister was invented to make sure everything dries quickly and efficiently, whether it’s your sticker-covered water bottle, or your special holiday wine glasses. No matter the season or the occasion, DryMeister’s got you covered, and dry.

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